
The Lake House at Ramsgate: A Darcy and Elizabeth Pride and Prejudice Variation by MJ Stratton ★★★★★

In 1812, Jane Bingley is having a difficult time with her first pregnancy. Her besotted husband Charles, leases Lake House in Ramsgate, in the hopes that the sea air will be a remedy. They are accompanied by Jane's beloved sister Elizabeth, who steps in to run the house when Jane deteriorates. Part of that role, includes dealing with Charles' correspondence as he has illegible handwriting! A letter intended for a solicitor, is redirected to the owner. The response is rather shocking! Fitzwilliam Darcy claims he would never lease Lake House and makes several rude accusations. He also asks why she has dated her letter as 1812, when it is currently only 1810? Never being one to be intimidated, Elizabeth replies, rather strongly. A regular correspondence arises, as they realise somehow their letters are crossing time. Friendship turns to love, but how can they cross that gap? I was looking forward to reading this, as the synopsis sounded intriguing.  I started reading as soon as th

Mr. Darcy's Masked Desire by Maria Dashwood ★★★★☆

In Meryton, the harvest celebration is a fair, with all those attending masked until midnight.  During the dancing Elizabeth Bennet, masked as Shakespeare's Ganymede, is drawn to a gentleman masked as Benedick. An evening of dancing and clever banter, culminates in a passionate clinch.  An accident, during a rainstorm leads to allegations of compromise. Worse still, Benedick is revealed to be Mr Darcy, a man Elizabeth dislikes for his haughty pride. Can the scandal be avoided? Will Darcy and Elizabeth be able to kindle love, from the sparks of passion?  An enjoyable, erotic novella with a pleasing resolution for our dear couple. I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Amazon review Goodreads review

Pemberley by Mary Smythe ★★★★★

Elizabeth Bennet regrets misjudging Fitzwilliam Darcy and her vociferous rejection of his proposal.  While on a tour of Derbyshire with her aunt and uncle Gardiner, her greatest fear is encountering Mr Darcy.  With some reluctance, she agrees to visit Pemberley, on being assured that the Darcy family are from home. During her tour of the house, Elizabeth encounters a supernatural presence.  At this point, I fully expected a gothic pride and prejudice variation! Darcy arrives home and they meet again. But will the "Shades of Pemberley" help or hinder our dear couple? Delightful story, great characters and a mischievous great Dane puppy. What more could you want? I received a free copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review. Amazon review Goodreads review

No Less Resentment: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Nan Harrison ★★★★★

Fitzwilliam Darcy met and fell in love with Miss Elizabeth Bennet, during a brief visit to Hertfordshire in 1811.  Unfortunately, her lack of social position, connexions and dowry make her an unlikely wife for a wealthy man.  Her vulgar mother, poorly behaved sisters and ties to trade provide a seemingly insurmountable barrier for a man who must fulfil the demands of his aristocratic family. After one dance at the Netherfield ball, Darcy flees to London, determined not to succumb to his infatuation. In retrospect, life for Elizabeth Bennet seems to take a downturn after the ball.  She rejects a ridiculous proposal from her cousin William Collins, to her mother's chagrin.  Her sister Jane is heartbroken after Mr Bingley left Netherfield, without a word.  All this is nothing to the sorrow to come.  The combination of a young girl's folly, a scoundrel and a winter storm results in tragedy and the ruin of the Bennet family.  They are shunned by both gentry and merchants. No longer

My Dear Friend by Heather Moll. ★★★★★

After Mr Bingley abandons Jane Bennet, following the Netherfield ball, she is heartbroken. Even worse her mother won't stop complaining about Bingley's loss, while implying Jane was to blame.   Jane and Elizabeth Bennet are relieved to escape to their relatives in Cheapside. In an effort to show Jane that there are other fish in the sea, Elizabeth signs up to a matchmaking agency. As "L" she chooses to correspond with "F" and finds a man she thinks she could come to love. Fitzwilliam Darcy left Netherfield determined to forget Elizabeth Bennet. Despite being in love with her, she is not suitable to be Mrs Darcy. To distract himself he is persuaded to join the matchmaking agency. As his cousin, Colonel Fitzwilliam opines, Darcy is much more eloquent on paper than in person.  You can guess what is going to happen! However, when he and Bingley cross paths with Jane and Elizabeth, Darcy is crestfallen to realise how much Elizabeth dislikes him. They have a long

A Hopeless Business: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Jan Ashton ★★★★★

Elizabeth Bennet has already refused an offer marriage from her father's cousin, William Collins. Unfortunately, he is persistent. He follows her on her daily walk to make yet another attempt.  Mr Fitzwilliam Darcy appears and makes every effort to stop Mr Collins. Sadly, a falling tree branch and a rainstorm causes all three of them to take shelter in the Bennet boathouse. Fortunately any accusations of impropriety are dismissed, Mr Collins finally gets the message and Elizabeth gets to know that Darcy is a good man. A young relative of Mr Hurst arrives at Netherfield and becomes attached to Elizabeth. Mr Nugent is immature, sport obsessed and tedious.  When Elizabeth declines his offer of marriage, Mr Bennet declares that she will have to accept the next proposal, no matter who makes it. With six months left until she gains her majority, Mr Bennet has that power. How will Elizabeth steer clear of unwanted suitors and will she ever find a man willing to share both love and respect

A Teasing Courtship by Kaurifish. ★★★★☆

When the haughty Fitzwilliam Darcy of Pemberley delivered the most insulting proposal in Literature, Jane Austen had Elizabeth Bennet refuse him vociferously. What if Elizabeth said yes?  Here we see the results of her "malicious compliance".  Unfortunately, what was intended to be a short term exercise in tormenting Darcy, becomes a betrothal in truth. Lady Catherine de Burgh castigates Elizabeth for accepting Darcy. Elizabeth proclaims that she loves Fitzwilliam, but will give him up so that Society will not shame him for his choice. Just as Elizabeth finds a way out of the betrothal, Darcy overhears her proclamation and declares that they will elope. Before she knows it, she and Darcy are unchaperoned in a carriage. Thus, marriage becomes the only way to save the reputations of all the Bennet sisters. This is a good story with great character development. Elizabeth matures and starts to appreciate Darcy, while he learns to quell his pride and arrogance. An enjoyable JAFF!

Each Time They Might Have: Kissed, vol. 1 by Kaurifish. ★★★☆☆

This book is a collection of 16 vinettes, imagining a variety of encounters between Fitzwilliam Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet leading to their first kisses. Some encounters are sweet and chaste, others are distinctly spicy.  While most are believable, a few are completely bonkers! Something for every JAFF fan to enjoy. I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Amazon review Goodreads review

The Valentine Writer by Iris Lim. ★★★★☆

  Mary Danforth has resigned herself to spinsterhood. Since childhood, her health has been too fragile to allow her to join in the active lives of her many siblings.  Mary excels at writing sweet, romantic notes to assist her brothers' courtships. She is happy for her siblings, but their success is bittersweet. Doctors have advised Mary to be extremely cautious with her health as another illness may be fatal. While caution is keeping her alive, she wonders if it is worth missing out on so much. The introduction of Captain Hayes, allows Mary to dream of love and a future, but can dreams become reality. Mary is a well drawn and believable character. You yearn with her as she is left behind as her siblings find love. An enjoyable novella. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Amazon review Goodreads review

Cursing Mr Darcy by Amy D'Orazio ★★★★☆

Amy D'Orazio's latest Pride and Prejudice variation is part gothic horror, part Sleeping Beauty, with a nod to the Pendle witches. The unmarried George Darcy has a mistress. He knows that she has other lovers, when he is away from Town.  She becomes with child, right around the time George wants to marry a "suitable" bride. He arranges for her to be provided for, by marriage to his steward, Mr Wickham, who like George, could be the father of the baby. The pretty little girl grows up wild at Pemberley, after her mother dies. Unfortunately, she is always tainted by her birth. As she grows older and more beautiful, Jessamine is seen as a threat and is banished from Pemberley. She grows up to be bitter and resentful at the Darcy family. She plans an exquisite revenge, with the help of witchcraft. There is a flavour of Sleeping Beauty, in the decay of Pemberley, while the master is trapped. Only pure love can lift the curse!  Can Elizabeth Bennet provide the solution? Jess

The Scarred Duchess by Barry S Richman. ★★★★★

The Scarred Duchess is Barry S Richman's second Pride and Prejudice variation.  It is just as compelling as his first, Doubt Not, Cousin. The saga spans several generations, but focuses on the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Here, Thomas Bennet is a second son and a soldier. He is smart, well connected and worldly wise. Valuable strengths when he inherits Longbourn from his elder brother.  The five Bennet daughters are raised well and protected carefully. However, Jane's betrothal to Lord Lambrook, exposes her to the violent machinations of a greedy, desperate aristocrat.  A carriage accident, engineered to kill Lord Lambrook and his father, the Earl, finds Jane instead. She survives, but is badly scarred. The book follows both Jane's and Society's response. A great story, full of love, angst and adventure. I received a free copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review. Amazon review Goodreads review

Darcy’s Spell – Short Story by Reut Barak. ★★★★☆

A short, spicy and magical Pride and Prejudice variation. What if Elizabeth Bennet's response to the Hunsford proposal is delayed, long enough to allow Darcy to correct his errors and her misunderstandings? Perfect for reading in your lunch break!. I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Amazon review Goodreads review

Something About Lizzy: Family Secrets Post-Pride and Prejudice by Robin Elizabeth Kobayashi ★★★★☆

In the continuing adventures of Sofia-Elisabete, the sixteen-year-old daughter of Colonel Fitzwilliam, we see life at Pemberley from her unique perspective. She recounts the events of a summer spent with Elizabeth and Fitzwilliam Darcy. They have a delightful tribe of children, the eldest of whom is 12 year old Will.  The trials and tribulations of their family lives are played out, against the backdrop of marital strain, grief and the machinations of influential family members. Sofia-Elisabete at first idolises Elizabeth Darcy, but is repulsed by perceived failings. She is still very young and is struggling with the fact that nobody is perfectly good or totally bad. An interesting variation on the Darcy and Fitzwilliam families. I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Amazon review Goodreads review

Affections & Wishes: A Short Story Anthology of Pride and prejudice variations by Amy D’Orazio, Jessie Lewis, Julie Cooper, Mary Smythe, Frances Reynolds, Lucy Marin, Jan Ashton, Barry S Richman & Elsie Fulbrook ★★★★☆

A delightful bouquet of Pride and Prejudice Variations, with something to delight everyone. Some Regency, some modern. The serious, the light-hearted, the magical and the fantasy.  A collection from some of the best JAFF authors writing today. I received a free copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review. Amazon review Goodreads review

The Maid: Rags to Richmonds Book 1 by Jessie Lewis with Amy D'Orazio ★★★★☆

Adelaide Booker is working as a housemaid, but a visiting aristocrat is about to turn her life upside down.  She finds herself pulled from the life she has made for herself, into the world of the first circles.  This is a really enjoyable read, which effortlessly captures the awkwardness of trying to fit into the alien world of Society. Finding no acceptance amongst the servants and tenants who see her as above herself. A brother who adores her, but honestly has no idea how to be a good brother.  An aunt who seems to only see just how much effort will be needed to make a lady out of a housemaid. The lofty aristocratic uncle who seems to resent her existence. Can Adelaide start to feel like she belongs? Is she destined to find love? Definitely recommend!. I received a free copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review. Amazon review Goodreads review

What Ought to Have Been: A Sense and Sensibility Variation by MJ Stratton. ★★★★☆

An interesting variation of Sense and Sensibility.  The action focuses on events after Willoughby's abandonment of Marianne Dashwood.  Eleanor Dashwood's tender regard for Edward Ferrars is dashed, by the revelation of a longstanding secret betrothal to Lucy Steele.  Unfortunately, Lucy's continued presence in their company only adds to the pain.  Marianne seeks to find justice for the Dashwood sisters. This Marianne is more avenging angel, than passionate romantic and boy is she devious!  The story is told from both Marianne and Eleanor's point of view. While this is well written, instead of intercutting points of view, in one chapter, the events are repeated to get both versions.  I have to say that I found the repetition a little tedious, but overall an enjoyable read. I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Amazon review Goodreads review

The Bachelor Mr Darcy by Julie Cooper ★★★★★

After the death of Mr Bennet, Elizabeth finds herself cast out of Longbourn by Mr Collins and Mrs Bennet. Fortunately, her sister Jane goes with her and they settle with their Aunt and Uncle Gardner in Cheapside. Elizabeth is desperate to be independent and not burden the Gardners. Teaching doesn't work out but another option presents itself.  Elizabeth finds herself writing a Society gossip column called Mr Pennywither's Reports. In the persona of an aging valet, she combines gossipy stories with wit, humour and a gentleness not found in more vituperative publications. Fitzwilliam Darcy is an honourable young man, burdened with inheriting the vast Pemberley estate in his early twenties. He is responsible for his much younger sister, Georgiana.  He also must shelter his Cousin Colonel Fitzwilliam, who has been brought low by the physical and mental impacts of battle. Decent, hardworking and appearing rather dull. It is a shock to suddenly find himself the focus of the London go

The Prodigal: Rags to Richmonds, the Beginning Rags to Richmonds by Jessie Lewis & Amy D'Orazio. ★★★★☆

The Prodigal is an introduction to the world of the Richmond family and a prequel to the Rags to Richmonds regency romance series.  The story begins with James Richmond, the heir to the Tipton earldom, coming home after an enthusiastic celebration of his university graduation.  When summoned to the Earl's study, the heir fears a scolding. However, the interview reveals shocking details of his origins. We then go back to 1794 and meet the Richmond family.  The old Earl Tipton, who is determined to retain the distinction of rank and nobility.  Charles, typical oldest son, all duty and honour.  Damian, a malevolent rake, who enjoys causing any trouble possible.  And finally Robert, youngest son. He is idealistic, in love with Susan, a weaver's daughter and with little patience for his family expectations of a society marriage.  The events that follow, turn the Richmond family upside down.  Amy D'Orazio and Jessie Lewis are wonderful JAFF writers and I look forward to this new

His Family Objects: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Lucy Marin. ★★★★★

  Fitzwilliam Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet have a second chance at love.  After being reunited at Pemberley, they forge a loving relationship.  Even the scandal of Lydia Bennet's elopement with George Wickham, doesn't put Darcy off. Fitzwilliam returns to Meryton with Charles Bingley. Very soon Charles and Jane are betrothed. Both Fitzwilliam and Elizabeth are delighted to be together again. Darcy doesn't want to steal the limelight from Jane and Bingley, so plans to postpone his proposal until he returns from a two week trip to London.  To Elizabeth's dismay, Darcy doesn't return as promised. Bingley expected him back, but only received vague excuses.   After six long weeks he arrives to act as best man for Bingley  Darcy takes Elizabeth aside to explain that his family objects to their marriage and he agrees! His explanation is poorly done and only partly finished when Elizabeth walks away, refusing to listen to further excuses. Georgiana Darcy is mentally, very fra

Goodbye Wickham Book 2 of Oddball Pride and Prejudice Variations by Violet King. ★★★★☆

As a young and foolish teenager, Lydia Bennet had thought it a lark to run off with George Wickham. Imagining a gay whirl of dancing and Society, as the wife of an officer.  Reality should have dawned on her, when Wickham had to be bribed to marry her. Now, after four years of marriage to a violent, dissolute blackguard, her greatest desire is widowhood!  She writes in desperation to her sister, Kitty.  On arrival in Newcastle, Kitty is shocked to find Lydia living in squalor, with her two young daughters. Marks of Wickham's physical and emotional abuse are seen on all the Wickham females. The only answer is to engineer the death of Wickham, without getting caught. Easier said than done with a man who seems to have the luck of the devil! We follow Lydia and Kitty in their failed attempts, but assistance may be found in a handsome and kindly officer! I enjoyed this book, but I'm not sure that I'd call it a comedy. Black humour perhaps. Well worth reading. I received a free c

Without Vanity or Pride: A Pride and Prejudice Variation Duology by Amy D’Orazio & LM Romano. ★★★★★

No Improper Pride by Amy D’Orazio The story is set in London after the Hunsford proposal. Darcy has got over his anger at being refused by Elizabeth Bennet. However, he has become bereft and regretful.  His cousin, the inimitable Viscount Saye, has no patience and little sympathy with Darcy. He correctly points out that in leaving Kent, after handing his letter to Elizabeth, Darcy denied her the right of reply.  He drags Darcy out for a walk in Hyde Park.  By coincidence, Elizabeth and her sister Jane are walking with their aunt Gardner and cousins.  After introductions, Darcy is floundering, so Saye takes charge, charming the ladies.  Could this be another chance for Darcy? Will Saye be unbearably outrageous and what will Florizel do? Darcy, Elizabeth and Saye in the hands of Amy D’Orazio! How could it be anything but glorious? Insufficient Vanity by LM Romano When Elizabeth Bennet shared the news of her sister's elopement, she was sure that it put an end to her burgeoning romance

Tolerable: Steamy Pride and Prejudice Variation by Darcy Fitzwilliam. ★★★☆☆

Fitzwilliam Darcy is overheard dismissing Elizabeth Bennet as only tolerable. In this variation, Darcy corrects his error by immediately asking Elizabeth to dance.  They both find much to admire in each other. This changes the whole trajectory of the story. Those changes are pleasing. I quite enjoyed the book, although some things jarred a little. Canteloupe and grapes for sale in the Meryton market? Nevertheless, I am sure many will enjoy the story too. I received a free copy of this book from the author and am voluntarily leaving a review. All views expressed are my own. Amazon review Goodreads review

Mr. Darcy's Passion at Pemberley Seasons of Steamy Pride and Prejudice Variations by Maria Dashwood ★★★☆☆

This novella is almost an alternative reality Pride and prejudice, with the action occurring predominantly in Derbyshire.  Fitzwilliam Darcy lives at Pemberley with his sister, Georgiana and his late father's godson, George Wickham. Despite his reservations regarding some of Wickham's behaviour, Darcy fulfills his father's dying wish by providing a home and financial support for Wickham.  Elizabeth Bennet is touring the Peak District with her aunt and uncle.  At a village festival she meets Fitzwilliam Darcy. Although he exhibits some of his "Master of Pemberley" persona, he and Elizabeth share an instant and volcanic attraction to each other. The plot is not unpleasing, though as expected. The descriptions of their early amorous encounters become rather repetitive. Too many scorching looks, searing kisses and being crushed against his musky scented body. This is most definitely steamy, pride and prejudice. The explicit sections hold nothing back. I have rated oth

Mr Darcy's Abducted Bride by Julie Cooper ★★★★★

When Thomas Bennet dies, his estate is entailed to a Mr Collins. His wife and daughters will lose both home, status and income. Mr Bennet is unwell and Mrs Bennet is scared that death is not far away. She diligently cares for him and ensures that he takes the tonic recommended by the apothecary. A tonic that makes him amiable and compliant. The unctuous Mr Collins is visiting, with a plan to wed one of the Bennet sisters. Unfortunately, he is focused on Elizabeth, who has nothing but contempt for him.  Fitzwilliam Darcy is thoroughly infatuated with Elizabeth, but is leaving Hertfordshire because she is not suitable to be Mrs Darcy.  He learns that Collins intends to propose. Unfortunately, Mrs Bennet has drugged Elizabeth with her father's tonic.  When Darcy arrives at Longbourn, he finds Collins and Mrs Bennet dragging Elizabeth to church for an immediate wedding. She is too out of her wits to know or object.  Darcy is left with only one choice. He must abduct Elizabeth, to save

The Cad, the Couch, and the Cut Direct: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Jessie Lewis ★★★★★

Fitzwilliam Darcy is still bereft at his failure to win the love of Elizabeth Bennet. Meanwhile, Elizabeth is heartbroken that she fell in love with Darcy, but he never returned for her. A year later finds them both in London.  A chance encounter in a gallery leads to what, may or may not have been "The Cut Direct". The gallery contains a couch, which bears witness to much gossip, misunderstandings and mistaken identities. It is also where we encounter the Cad! Cue many misguided efforts to correct mistakes, relaying messages to entirely the wrong person.  Happy endings are of course guaranteed. All in all, it is glorious mayhem. I received a free copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review. Amazon review Goodreads review

Crossroads: A Collection of Austenesque Novellas by MJ Stratton ★★★★☆

Collections brings together three novellas by MJ Stratton  What Became of Miss Mary King - in which we follow Mary to Liverpool, as she slowly recovers from her encounter with Mr Wickham. It is a delight to watch her build a new life and perhaps find love.  This was really pleasing! At First Slight - in which Eros and Psyche have less than stellar success in encouraging romance between Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy. A Change of Outcomes - in which Lydia Bennet reads her sister's mail.  Fitzwilliam Darcy's famous letter to Elizabeth, details just how bad George Wickham really is.  Initially, Lydia dismisses it as lies, but slowly she begins to acknowledge the truth.  Her trip to Brighton gives Lydia opportunities to re-evaluate her views on men and her own sense of self worth. This stands out as the best novella in the anthology. I definitely recommend! I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Amazon review Goodreads review

Rising Courage by Heather Moll ★★★★★

Fitzwilliam Darcy's proposal to Elizabeth Bennet is egregiously offensive. After her vituperative rejection, he retreats and she goes for a walk, to clear her head.  Darcy realises that he expressed himself very poorly and follows her to explain.  As he approaches, Elizabeth is manhandled into a coach by three rough looking men. His gallant rescue attempt finds him also abducted. Very quickly they realise that the kidnappers wanted Anne De Bourgh.  When they realise their error, Elizabeth will be in even more danger. Darcy and Elizabeth quickly start to work together and misconceptions fall away. Will they escape? Who is behind the kidnapping? Will Darcy and Elizabeth ever be free of this web of violence and malice? This is a truly awesome book! It is compelling, gritty and keeps you on tenterhooks until the end. I received a free copy of this book from the author and am voluntarily leaving a review. All views expressed are my own. Amazon review Goodreads review

Mr. Darcy's Poetry of the Heart by Charlotte Weatherby ★★★★★

After a dinner at Netherfield Park, Jane Bennet becomes too unwell to leave.  Her sister Elizabeth comes to nurse her and finds herself a reluctant guest.  When seeking something to read, she happens upon a handwritten poem.   It appears that the haughty, stoic Mr Darcy, possesses the heart of a passionate poet. She is shocked when she realises that she is the subject. Another poem and she is in some danger of losing her heart to him. But suddenly, he retreats, leaving Elizabeth hurt and confused. When she and Jane return home, they are met with tearstained faces. Mr Bennet has become dangerously unwell and his family fear the worst. I will not add spoilers but the story is beautifully written and the author has a lyrical turn of phrase. I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Amazon review Goodreads review

Saved By Mr Darcy: A Steamy Pride and Prejudice Variation by Claudia Lomond. ★★★★★

Whilst visiting the Peak District with her aunt and uncle, Elizabeth Bennet is badly injured in a coach accident.  Fitzwilliam Darcy, stops to provide assistance. He is shattered to discover the woman he loved but couldn't have, is unconscious and gravely injured. The survivors are given shelter and medical care at Darcy's estate, Pemberley. All the action takes place at Pemberley, as Elizabeth slowly recovers under the devoted care of Georgiana Darcy and the Pemberley staff. Initially, Darcy can barely leave the vicinity of her room, so desperate is he to know how she is.  When she starts to recover, he is kind but keeps his distance, unsure of his welcome in her company. Will proximity overcome, Elizabeth's previous antipathy? I really loved this. Darcy is so devoted and sweet. I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Amazon review Goodreads review

Where the Waters Agree by Susan Adriani. ★★★★★

Soon after arriving in Evermore on sea, Elizabeth Bennet is exploring the cliffs when she comes upon a gentleman.  It is none other than Fitzwilliam Darcy, a man she thought never to meet again.  Darcy is at first shocked, upon meeting Elizabeth again. By his civility and warmth, he and Elizabeth soon overcome their misunderstandings and become friends. Elizabeth rapidly finds that she cannot imagine life without him. Interference is ably provided by Darcy's "helpful" cousin, Viscount Emerson, who brings Lady Catherine and Anne De Bourgh to Evermore. Honourable mention should go to Mrs Bennet, who is trying to match Elizabeth with a cat obsessed, mummy's boy! What more could you ask for? This is just exquisite.  Full of the salty tang of the sea and that delightful sense of anticipation and excitement one gets when arriving at the coast. I received a free copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review. Amazon review Goodreads review

Worthy of Her Trust by Melissa Anne ★★★★★

Beth Bennet from Meryton married well to Frederick Tomlinson. Their daughter Elizabeth Rose, soon becomes an orphan, but is raised by loving grandparents at the family estate Briarwood.  As a little girl, she regularly spends time with family friends, the Darcys and Fitzwilliams. On the death of her grandparents, the now wealthy heiress goes to live with Bennet relations. A substantial stipend follows her, ensuring funds for care appropriate to her station. Elizabeth's uncle Edward is master of Longbourn and a confirmed batchelor. He is kind and makes sure that she is well cared for. Unfortunately, his death only months later, turns her world upside down. Youngest son, Thomas Bennet is master and arrives with his wife and four daughters. Almost immediately Fanny Bennet redirects resources and care to her daughters.  Over time, Elizabeth is told she is Lizzy Bennet, poor relation and is laughed at if she mentions memories of her other family.  The Bennet's even allow the neighbo

A Golden Opportunity by J Marie Croft ★★★★☆

After his failed proposal to Elizabeth Bennet, all Fitzwilliam Darcy wants is to put some distance between them.  Unfortunately, they both find themselves obliged to stay in Kent, to attend the birthday ball of Anne de Bourgh. Further vexation comes from having to deal with a rash of peculiar thefts and vandalism.  And what on earth has got into his quiet, downtrodden, sickly cousin Anne?  Suddenly, she is flitting around the neighborhood in her phaeton, consorting with the head gardener and very possibly a local landowner of dubious reputation. This is an interesting variation, I couldn't quite see where the background story was heading.  Set immediately after the Hunsford proposal, it starts with angst and distress. However, being forced to spend time together, allows Darcy and Elizabeth to gradually come to understand and appreciate each other. I received a free copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review. Amazon review Goodreads review

A Most Alarming Report: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Michelle D'Arcy ★★★★☆

In this variation, Darcy and Elizabeth are much easier with each other, Darcy apologies for the insult.  He develops a real friendship with Mr Bennet. Bingley overhears Mrs Bennet talking to Jane about advantageous marriages and becomes more cautious about Jane.   Wickham notices Darcy's interest in the Bennet family but assumes he favours Jane.  He seeks to exploit that and Jane lets him, having lost all confidence after Bingley leaves.  She feels the weight of the expectation that she must marry well, to save her family. Unfortunately, all this results in Jane, demonstrating behaviour worthy of Kitty or Lydia! Picking fights with Elizabeth and risky, reputation-threatening assignations! When Darcy returns to Meryton, a contretemps between his horse and Elizabeth's dog, Smooch leads to injuries requiring a stay at Longbourn.  Elizabeth cares for him and they become close. They try to resolve Jane's issues, thwart Wickham and fend off Lady Catherine de Bourgh! Enjoyable rea

By duty bound by Michelle Ray ★★★★☆

Fitzwilliam Darcy and Richard Fitzwilliam are cousins and both are second sons.  When they visit Meryton, they are taken with the Bennet sisters.  Darcy decides to throw family expectation to the winds! Just as he is about to propose to Elizabeth Bennet, they are interrupted by news that Darcy is now the heir.  The weight of duty falls upon him and he walks away.  Elizabeth makes a life for herself in London but finds all suitors fall short of Darcy.  Even when he delivers the famous put down, at the Meryton assembly. Over the next few years, their paths occasionally cross. Will they ever find their way together? An interesting variation, with a struggling, occasionally exasperating Darcy and an incredibly long-suffering Elizabeth. I received a free copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review. Amazon review Goodreads review

No Less Than Any Other by MJ Stratton. ★★★★★

The Bennet family need an heir. Longbourn is entailed to the male line and without a son, the property will go to a distant cousin.  When her second babe is a girl, Mrs Bennet is distraught and rejects the child.  Fortunately, Lizzy's twin, Tom makes a surprise entrance.  Tom is instantly the favourite, while Lizzy continues to be rejected.  Tom is an unusual child (we would recognise him as neurodivergent) who relies upon Lizzy to navigate the family and the world.  An incident of bullying by children of the Long and Goulding families, leads to a permanent separation between those families and the Bennets. Tom turns his keen intelligence to learning about Longbourn and helping to improve it. He also has a fascination with investments. His remarkable successes lead to a much improved financial situation for the Bennet family, including dowries for his sisters. When Netherfield Park is let at last, all are keen to meet the new neighbours.  Unfortunately, malicious gossip from the Lo