Heart Enough: Variations on a Jane Austen Christmas by Amy D'Orazio ★★★★★

When confronted with Lady Catherine’s demands to leave Darcy alone, Elizabeth decides it is wiser not to provoke the woman. When Darcy hears of her response, his last hope of her regard flickers out.
Feeling he has nothing to lose, her proposes to his cousin Anne De Bourgh.
Only a few weeks later, he discovers Elizabeth does love him, but he is now bound to Anne.

The pain of this knowledge is unbearable to Elizabeth and she arranges to travel to the continent to mend her heart. After two years she returns, still in love with Darcy.

Believing him married with possibly a family, she resolves to offer her friendship.

But what is the truth about Darcy’s status? Can friendship or something more flourish?

This story is absolutely brilliant. The angst and the pain of misunderstandings and impossible love is palpable
When poor Darcy was left without hope, I cried!

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. All views expressed are my own.

Amazon review
